Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ta da! 2011 finished

Alphabet 2 for 2011 is done! I am pleased with the final result of this alphabet. I had this in mind when I started, so it was a hard thing to get my head around doing it week by week. 

It bubbled away for months, but as usual I rushed it at the end and the lettering is not as beautiful as I would have liked. 

... Z 

A to ...
I would have liked A at the top - sometimes these things are a mystery to me!
I am going dotty trying to think of something for 2012 ... see you in the next blog,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Late.. but done at last ... JO

Have been putting off the completion of my second alphabet for 2011. You know what it's like when you aren't too confident about something... procrastinate right?!
I'm no bookbinder and this was quite a challenge for me. Sooooo, here's the finished product:

Forgot to take into account the thickness of each signature and perhaps should have put some sort of 'spacer' between them to get them to sit well (and tightly).  Maybe those bookbinders out there will have a tip or two for me.

Not perfect by a long shot... and I might just undo it and re-sew if required for a show, but it was a great learning exercise and the next book will be better. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lyndell - beginnings for 2012

Hello from Canberra Australia where we seem to be having, if not Winter at least Autumn. The weather has not been at all like the summer we are used to.

I have made a start on my alphabet. I can only plead a very busy time at work for my not being any further ahead than this. Still, it is a start. And I have some idea of where I am going with it.

I have been very impressed with all the posts so far - great work. It is lovely being a part of this community.


The Helvetica Variations #7

I confess I have been hiding. I am way behind; this latest variation doesn't quite fit the guidelines, for that matter most of the variation don't, but I have had great fun, lots of challenges, met some very generous people, and, am waiting for the final variation which should be finished at the end of the month. But I thought I better post these and stop hiding. So here are the variations.

So this is how I started, carving letters out of a book block

I had wanted the edges of the negative and positive shapes to be very clean

Building the template for the positive shapes
First trials for the bridges
Another variation, drilled 
Drilled but not quite what I was seeing

Braille variation

How about a bath, Variation #? I've lost count

After the bath

OK, try something else, letters done with gyproc filler, layer one on top of the other, each letter erases the next
Find Will at Charm City Laser, 1st trial

I'm liking this

Opening the laser cut magazine

X, detail

Z, detail of the positive and negative shapes

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Noela's Mayan Alphabet finished

Yes, it's done!
I stitched the 7cm square wire and teabag letters to a clear perspex waste off cut, then dangled the lot from a lovely piece of driftwood. I wanted the letters to work against a wall and also in a window to show off the translucency of the teabags - a bit of a compromise and quite a challenge but I'm reasonably pleased with the end result. the studio window looking like a Mayan jungle.

I am looking forward to starting my dots, but oh dear, I still have to finish my box letters from 2010!!, so don't feel guilty if you are behind with your 2011 letters.

Happy 2012 everyone

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

late but...

finally done!
With immense feelings of guilt for not having delivered my coloured alphabet on time..., but also with a triumphant sense of accomplishment(!!!) for having finally completed it, here is my second set of letters for the ALAW 2011 project. This time I chose my native language's alphabet: greek! I "drew" it in photoshop and then played with a scanned monotype from a just completed series titled: "landmarks".
I enjoyed being part of this international art space and loved seeing the amazing alphabets produced by you..., and you.., and you, and all!!! 
Fiona, thank you for welcoming my participation and for creating this lovely project that truly gave me some fun breaks... All the best wishes to all of you for the new year and for all your future projects,
Happy 2012!
"memory landmark III", monotype - 11 x 11" - 2011